Unveiling the Sacred Geometry of the Stellated Truncated Icosahedron: A Masterpiece in Glass Art

Unveiling the Sacred Geometry of the Stellated Truncated Icosahedron: A Masterpiece in Glass Art

In the realm of sacred geometry, where patterns and shapes hold meaning to so many, the stellated truncated icosahedron stands as a symbol of divine harmony and cosmic order. This intricate geometric form has been brought to life by Asaf.

This piece, named the Izar, is one of Asaf's most complicated sculptures  - each facet of the stellated truncated icosahedron is meticulously recreated in beautiful, reflective dichroic glass, capturing the essence of sacred geometry in every angle. In can take up to 2 weeks to create.

As light dances across its surface, refracted and reflected in a kaleidoscope of colours, the glass artwork breathes life into the timeless principles of sacred geometry.

It invites us to contemplate the interconnectedness of all things and to marvel at the beauty of mathematical precision.

Please watch the video as Asaf explains more about this piece below.

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